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Participation of the Dean of the Faculty of Medical Technology, Rayyan, in the general meeting sponsored by the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research.

Home // News // Participation of the Dean of the Faculty of Medical Technology, Rayyan, in the general meeting sponsored by the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research.
07 Feb, 2024 0 Comment 86 Views

Participation of the Dean of the Faculty of Medical Technology, Rayyan, in the general meeting sponsored by the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research..

Participation of the Dean of the Faculty of Medical Technology, Rayyan, in the general meeting sponsored by the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research..

Under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister, Dr. Imran Al-Qayeb.. Prof. Ismail Masoud Al-Malian, Dean of the Faculty of Medical Technology, Rayyan, University of Zintan, attended the meeting of the deans of the faculties of medical technology in Libyan universities, in the presence of a number of officials in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, at the ministry's headquarters in Tripoli.

During the meeting, he discussed the difficulties facing the implementation of the preparatory phase in some faculties, and ways to improve their educational, research and laboratory environment, and took some decisions aimed at developing the educational and research process in them. The proposal to unify the name of these faculties, under the name (Faculty of Health Sciences), which was submitted by some deans, was also reviewed, and it was referred to a technical committee to study it and express an opinion on it.


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