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Visit of the Mayor of Rayyanah to the College.

Home // News // Visit of the Mayor of Rayyanah to the College.
03 Jan, 2024 0 Comment 82 Views

Visit of the Mayor of Rayyanah to the College..

Today, the College of Medical Technology, Rayyaneh, received the Mayor of Rayyaneh, Mr. Nouri Masoud Al-Tahir, and the member of the Municipal Council, Mr. Imran Abu Al-Qasim Muhammad.

A broad meeting was held during this visit with the Dean of the College, the heads of departments, and the College Registrar, in which the support that the Municipal Council can provide to the College was discussed. After a tour of the College's facilities and examining the College's needs, the Chairman of the Council expressed his readiness to provide support according to the available capabilities.


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