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Ramadan Hope Donations

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10 Mar, 2024 0 Comment 157 Views

Ramadan Hope Donations.

Praise be to Allah, abundant and good praise.

(And say, "Work, for Allah will see your work, and so will His Messenger and the believers." At-Tawbah (105)

Here is our campaign bearing fruit.

Thanks be to Allah - the Almighty - and the efforts of the good people of charity, and the efforts of our dear college students.

Efforts were intensified and everyone cooperated and painted a beautiful picture in the spirit of cooperation and brotherhood to help our brothers who need a helping hand.

Thanks be to Allah, we were able in our campaign this year to reach about 61 food baskets, 61 families were helped.

While mentioning that the campaign started shortly before the month of Ramadan, thanks be to Allah - the Almighty - we were able to outperform our campaign last year by double or more.

We thank everyone who contributed with us and donated even with a kind word, even with a simple word of encouragement, may Allah make that in the balance of their good deeds.

Those who believe and do righteous deeds - never will We waste the reward of any who do good deeds. [Al-Kahf: 30]

And we would like to give you good news, with the help of Allah Almighty, that this good campaign of ours will be present and present, with the help of Allah Almighty, every year, to continue and to make such good and blessed initiatives live.

Doing good and doing good, if they are effective

The most lasting and praiseworthy of the deeds of a young man is the effect

But I do not understand the meaning of life except

for the weak and rescuing the one who stumbles

And people, as long as they do not console each other, are

like grazing animals, even if you call them human beings


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